I’m Paul Herron, a full-stack developer and technical manager.
I focus mainly on back-end development with tools like Symfony
and devops with tools like Docker

The simplest Docker deployment

by Paul Herron on 06 September 2020

I’m sure like a lot of people I’ve ended up with a bunch of personal websites over the years, all hosted and deployed in a very manual way. In my case this was a $5-a-month DigitalOcean Droplet with a handful of sites hosted on it, all deployed manually by doing a git pull onto the server. No development environments to do any proper testing beforehand, so issues would generally just reveal themselves ‘in production’ and the site would no doubt end up broken while I fixed them. Not to mention, doing any updates on the server was not a very appealing prospect, as it might bring down some or all of the websites on there.

This is quite a contrast to the setups I’ve ended up using in work, with tools like Kubernetes, automatic deployments, rollbacks, etc. All quite complicated to set up, but making the deployment process much more predictable, and making it painless to deploy frequently.

What I was interested in was a blend of the two options for personal use. Something still relatively simple, but also getting the benefits of Docker containers and the ease of deployment that brings.

That’s the setup I’m now using and I’ll run through it here.


I’ve put a repo up at paulherron/docker-traefik-nginx-example but the gist is:

The aim is to have Traefik running at the front, and then to declare all other services via Docker labels only. In this simple example I’m just running a single website (i.e. a single Nginx instance) behind Traefik, but it’s possible to run as many websites as you like behind the one instance of Traefik, with each website a separate container and its Traefik config declared just with a few labels in the docker-compose.yml file.

This is a quite a nice setup as it’s possible to bring sites up and down behind Traefik with no downtime, and no need to restart servers or explicitly reload configs. It’s all just using labels in docker-compose.yml files.

Local development

First, pull the repo:

git pull https://github.com/paulherron/docker-traefik-nginx-example.git

A note about URLs: in the GitHub example I’ve used example.paulherron.com as the domain. You might want to replace any mentions of this in the .yml files with a domain you control. So for example in docker-compose.yml you could replace example.paulherron.com with example.yoursite.com. And in docker-compose.override.yml you could replace local.example.paulherron.com with local.example.yoursite.com. The handy thing about making these changes in the .yml file is they’re just config changes - there’s no need to rebuild the Docker image after making them.

Now, fire up the containers locally:

cd docker-traefik-nginx-example
docker-compose up -d

You should then be able to see both containers running:

$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                                     COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                                      NAMES
c24cf3c2d31d        traefik:v2.0                              "/entrypoint.sh --lo…"   3 seconds ago       Up 2 seconds>80/tcp,>443/tcp   traefik
5a28a797ae46        paulherron/docker-traefik-nginx-example   "nginx"                  3 seconds ago       Up 2 seconds        8088/tcp                                   example_nginx

I’ve set the domain of the local testing site to be local.example.paulherron.com, so an entry in the hosts file is needed before viewing that:

sudo vim /etc/hosts

And then add local.example.paulherron.com (or whatever domain you specified in your docker-compose.override.yml) at the bottom:       local.example.paulherron.com

With that added, going to local.example.paulherron.com should show a ‘Hello world’ page. Don’t worry about seeing a warning about the self-signed certificate - that should only happen locally.

Notice how in serving this site up locally, the values of docker-compose.yml have been used, and then those from docker-compose.override.yml have been layered over the top. This is the default behaviour when doing docker-compose up - Docker will automatically merge the two configs together.

Provisioning a server

The server to deploy to could be hosted anywhere. Amazon AWS is a popular option, but I’m going to use docker-machine to create one in DigitalOcean:

docker-machine create --digitalocean-size "s-1vcpu-1gb" --driver digitalocean --digitalocean-region lon1 --digitalocean-access-token YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN default

This should create a $5-a-month Droplet called default, which should appear in the DigitalOcean control panel almost immediately.

That’s the server we’ll call ‘production’ created. I’d of course recommend you take additional steps to secure any server that’ll be visible on the web - for example adding some Firewall rules in DigitalOcean to restrict incoming SSH connections to your own IP address. And if you want to see the example running, you’ll need to create an A record in your DNS to point to the IP of the Droplet that just got created.

Now, open a second Terminal window, which will become our view to this new production server, by doing:

your-second-terminal$ eval $(docker-machine env default)

This points Docker (in the current terminal only) to the new server you just created. (If you just run docker-machine env default you can see the actual details that are being used.)

To check this is working as expected, do the following to checks what’s running:

your-second-terminal$ docker ps

If that command shows no containers are running, that’s good. It means Docker is correctly pointing at the server we just started (rather than at the local host were containers are already running).


Deploying the code can be done from our second terminal window. Keep in mind that this terminal is still local (in the sense we haven’t SSH’d anywhere) but that we set its Docker config to point to a remote server. So when we run commands in it they’re working with the local filesystem, but enacting any Docker commands on the remote server.

So we need to first get into project directory, because that’s where the config files are. For example:

your-second-terminal$ cd ~/Projects/docker-traefik-nginx-example

Then doing the following should pull the Docker images onto the remote server:

your-second-terminal$ docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml pull

Then it’s possible to do docker up on the remote server:

your-second-terminal$ docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up

Note how the -f docker-compose.yml option is always passed with these commands. This is telling Docker explicitly to only use the main docker-compose.yml file, and not to use the docker-compse.override.yml. This is our simple mechanism for differentiating between ‘production mode’ and ‘local development mode’.

So that’s it! You’ve deployed a website to a remote server using Docker.

Customising the example

If you wanted to take the example further you could of course start customising the code. As well as changing the code and pushing it to your own code repository, you’d also be looking to change the following in docker-compose.yml to something you control:

        image: paulherron/docker-traefik-nginx-example

This is a URL for the Docker image that gets pushed. In the above format it’s referring to a project in Docker Hub (the official Docker image repositories) - and anyone can sign up and start creating repositories there. But you can also use a full URL here to make use of any registry that isn’t Docker Hub. A great alternative is using GitHub Packages, by declaring the image like this:

        image: docker.pkg.github.com/paulherron/simple-docker-example/example-nginx

Docker image URLs in GitHub Packages are declared in a format like username/repo/package-name and this can work great if your code is already in GitHub. You’re pushing the code there anyway, and a short script can invoke GitHub Actions to automatically build the image when you push code, and upload it to GitHub Packages. Something like this is what I use, when I’m wanting the resulting image to end up in GitHub Packages.

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